My Teenager Made Me Get a Snapchat

Another Sunday, here and gone.

I’m so glad I started doing these Sunday photos, even though Sundays are often just as crazy as any other day of the week.

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Which is why I didn’t manage to get today’s photo until bedtime.

My oldest daughter made me sign up for SnapChat tonight.

Actually, she didn’t even make me. She just took my phone and did it for me.

Sup #swag is courtesy Chloe, I think. All I know is that I didn’t type it.

And then she sent some out in my name and opened any that came back in. I think she just wants another SnapChat to play with! Plus, I’m guessing that she is pretty much the only person that I will SnapChat.

She’s eternally photogenic, though. Even in a grainy SnapChat that we took in the not-very-well-lit living room.

In other news, I’m eternally sick. I took this photo at 1:30 this morning because I couldn’t sleep from all the coughing.

I’ll be reviewing that book soon. (Here it is: Age of Opportunity Book Review)

I am feeling better after my Sunday nap today. I’m hoping not to miss any more work this semester. Though it is pretty difficult to teach singing when all you do is hack up your lungs as you try to demonstrate a vocalise.

My 31 Days to Less Clutter and More Peace series is killing me. KILL. ING. ME. Partly because I’ve been sick, and partly because I was insane to even start it. I am enjoying getting rid of all the crap, though. Are you following along?

Today I decluttered junk drawers while I was cooking dinner.

It didn’t work out so well for the dinner (My husband was off doing church business so I was forced to cook), but my junk drawers look FABULOUS! Now I bet you really want to follow along.

In defense of my ruining dinner, he had me cook his super difficult rib recipe that takes freaking 2.5 hours from start to finish. There are reasons I don’t cook. The ribs didn’t turn out horribly, just…..different from his.

But did I mention my amazing junk drawers?

My daughter says my eyes get really big whenever I take a selfie.

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She’s not wrong.

She also hates big eyes, because that is the face I make at my children when I am displeased with their behavior.

That’s why she doesn’t like my selfies.

I am going to SnapChat big eyes to her all. the. time.

Because now I have a SnapChat.

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Haha, love you! 🙂

Jill Morgenstern

Snapchat is pretty much the only way to keep in touch with my 19 year old these days. 🙂