How to be the Best Mom for Your Kids

I compare myself to other moms a lot. This mom cooks wonderful, healthy meals for her kids every night. I rarely cook for my kids. That mom is so good at planning for the future and knowing exactly what is on her schedule and being completely prepared. I am always winging it. This mom is so much fun! She always has fun activities and cute crafts planned for her kids. I am definitely not a fun mom.

I don’t think I’m a very good mom at all.

Do you compare yourself to other moms? Stop it, and start doing this instead. You can be the best mom for your kids! #overstuffedlife

At least, when I’m so busy comparing myself to all the other moms, I don’t.

Today I had the opportunity to go down to a women’s conference put on by my stake (local congregation of my church). It was four hours away, lasted for six hours, and then there was the four-hour trip back home (in fact, I’m actually typing this in the car as my friend drives my car for a while). I was really, really grumpy about going. The past two weekends have been crazy busy and I wanted nothing more than to stay at home and get my dang laundry folded for once and for all! But my daughter had been asked to play her violin at this conference, and so we went,

(I promise that I am getting to the point!)

I am always grumpy about the sacrifice it takes to go to these things, but once I am there, I am always, always glad I came. I always hear something that changes me. I always hear something that fills my mom account. The sacrifice is always worth it.

Today I heard just a few sentences that made me resolve to stop comparing myself to other (wonderful)(amazing) moms, once and for all.

“Are you looking for something more than God has given you?”

“Develop more fully the gifts that you have been given before seeking for something different.”

“Moms, stop riding your guilty horses to death.”

Boy, do I ever have a lot of guilty horses! I don’t like cooking, so I am riding a guilty horse that I don’t cook great meals for my kids. I don’t do tons of fun crafts with my kids. Guilty horse. I’m not good at planning for every possible eventuality and being totally prepared for each one. Guilty horse. I’m not good enough, not fun enough, not organized enough.

Why am I looking for something more than I have been given?

Why do I have such a struggle to recognize the gifts I possess as a mother? Why am I comparing all of my weaknesses to the strengths of others? Why am I not focusing on the gifts and talents I have already been given to better myself as a mother?

Sometimes I have trouble even recognizing my strengths because I am so busy focusing on my weaknesses! What a disservice to my children.

The strengths I have as a mother are exactly what my children need.

The strengths you have as a mother are exactly what your children need.

Let’s resolve to celebrate our strengths. To work on strengthening our strengths instead of focusing so much on our shortcomings. To develop the unique gifts and talents we each possess.

To be the mom your children need, which is the mom you already are.

This post is part of my 31 Days to a Happier Home series. 

To see all the posts in this series, click here: 31 Days to a Happier Home

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