How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree: Part 3

Part 3 in a 5-part series about how to decorate your Christmas tree

How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree: Part 1 (Getting started, choosing a theme, adding lights and floral accents)

How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree: Part 2 (Putting up large and specialty ornaments)

Technically, this post should have been included with Part 2. But I was having technical difficulties, so we will have a small Part 3.

How to decorate your Christmas tree

Put up all the ball ornaments

This is all about the ball ornaments. (And I’m not sure which we have more of: Icicles or balls.)

Music Ornaments

These are some that I made last year. I think they might be some of my favorite ornaments we own and they were super easy to make, if a bit time consuming. I just ripped up some old sheet music, got it wet and then mod-podged it onto an ornament and then strung some ribbon through once they were dry (a day later!). I love how they turned out. They’re my favorite (did I mention that already?).

For a while we had clear glass balls filled with red and gold glitter and potpourri that we made. Unfortunately, most of them broke (glass + children = disaster) so they are no longer with us. But they were really pretty, too. Maybe we’ll do it again when my youngest is 16.


There isn’t a lot to say about putting ball ornaments onto the tree…just make sure it’s random-looking and that you get them all over the tree.

The reason I save them for almost last is because there are so stinkin’ many of them and it’s easier to get everything else spaced nicely without the balls there first.

Next up: Ribbon/garland. But in the meantime, here’s our tree with all of the ornaments on it (except the two or three that we save for very very very last) just before the ribbon is added. We’re getting there!

Almost Finished!

Click here for Part 4: Putting on the ribbon and/or garland

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I don't think I could bear(bare?) to rip up old sheet music! I'm way too attached to all of it. But I do love how they look on your tree:)


so pretty!


Awwww, this is one of the best Christmas tree decorating ideas I've ever seen. You guys, putting up those ornaments with the lights one beside the christmas tree, the sight is simply divine… such a happy family.

Happy Holidays to you guys!
Anne Walker