Seeds of Faith by Dan Barker

Ever since I spent a summer performing in Nauvoo, Illinois, I have been a huge Church History Fan. I absolutely love hearing the stories of faith and the experiences that the early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had.

Curious about how I ended up as a performer in Nauvoo? Click here: Cast Not Away Therefore They Confidence

Dan Barker’s newest book Seeds of Faith is a compilation of conversion stories from the early saints. I loved reading it. The journal entries detail many experiences these early saints had before they ever heard of Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon, or the restored Gospel. Many of them experienced heavenly visitations, dreams, or other types of miracles as they searched for a church to join.

My own faith and love for the Gospel increased as I read this book. I appreciate the time and the research that went into finding these early accounts and organizing them into chapters of similar accounts. I think one of my favorite chapters was the one about those who took a long time to make the decision to be baptized. Some never did take that final step, even though they had experienced some amazing things that should have convinced them to join The Church. I loved these stories as an example of the gift of agency.

This is a great book to read a little at a time. Just one or two stories a day gave me much to think about and to ponder about. I will definitely be using some of these stories in future lessons I give at church, as well.

To purchase click here: Seeds of Faith by Dan Barker

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That sounds like a good one for our car trip!


Books like these make me miss living in Utah where the libraries had so many LDS books. Looks like a good one, I'm a sucker for conversion stories 🙂


I love those conversion stories, too, Whitney. Especially in light of all that is happening right now regarding our faith, this book was a really good faith-building read.