Soare Cu Dinti

“Soare cu dinti” is a Romanian phrase that means “sun with teeth.”  They use it to describe one of those beautiful winter (or fall, or even spring) days where the sun is shining, the sky is blue, but you’ll still freeze to death if you go outside.

We had one of those toothy days yesterday, and I took full advantage and spent as much time outside as I possibly could.  I have been wanting to go across the bridge to the scenic overlook to take pictures for a while, but the weather has been too darn crummy to do it.  When the sun came out yesterday, I jumped at the chance and Sophia and I drove up there to look at our lovely little city and take a few photos.

This is where I live.  You can see the University there, which are the bigger buildings, and I live about three blocks away from there, up the hill into the trees.  I still can’t even tell you how enchanted I am to live so near the water.  I mean, I lived right up the hill from Utah Lake, but that wasn’t quite the same.  Sorry, Utah Lake.


Pretty beautiful when the sun is out.  I wish you could see the bridge from here, but all of the (lovely) trees are in the way.  I’ll have to get a good picture of it another day.

Beautiful day

I was thrilled to have a glimpse of my favorite October blue sky. There isn’t anything in the world quite like it. Too bad we’re back to a white sky today.

But at least it isn’t raining.  And hopefully it won’t start, because I’ve got a ton of leaves to rake and bulbs to plant.

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I can't believe I might be close to the first person to post a response. That never happens. Anyway, beautiful and enchanted. With all of that rain maybe you could get a foggy road in the fall picture. Sort of a sleepy hallow type thing. I can't wait to see pictures of your bulbs in bloom.


Wow Lara, great pictures. You really to live in a beautiful place.

Kristina P.

What a gorgeous home!

Annette Lyon

"Sun with teeth" is an apt way to put those days!


Oh, I miss the water so much! I know you're in for a cold, kinda damp winter, but this is the upside to living near the water.

And I spent a good five minutes racking my brain trying to think of an Italian aria called "Soare Cu Dinti"! Shoulda just read the post!


what a beautiful view!


It really is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing these awesome photos. I love those kind of fall days. Wish we had more of them here too.


I can't remember how I found your blog but when I found out you were moving to Houghton I was so excited. I spent my college years up there and still miss it. I love seeing your photos of area. They bring back many fond memories.


I do not like sun with teeth days! But those are beautiful pictures—what a great view.



L.T. Elliot

I'm totally going to start saying that about our wintry days. Hate to say it, but my view isn't HALF as good as yours!

Loralee and the gang...

Beautiful! You are lucky to live there. We are having a day like that today, but since we have pine trees, there are no leaves to rake. Instead we are busy stacking firewood for winter. And my bulbs got planted when we relandscaped a month ago. Have fun!

Rachel Sue

That really is gorgeous. And you're right. Utah lake just isn't the same.


Did you seriously take those pictures? They are gorgeous! I think I am in love with your trees!

That Girl

I think "sun with teeth" is my new favorite phrase. What a perfect image of a perfect fall day.

And my literally aches for those scenes ….

Crystal Eldredge

ASU EAST CAMPUS OR THERE????? It is such a toss up! LOL! What a beautiful perfect place to raise a family!


Looks like a pretty place! And I love that phrase. 🙂


Awh, what a beautiful place, it looks lovely!


What a lovely, neat place to live!


I love that phrase, "Sun with teeth". We get a lot of that here, too.

Jenny P.

Sun with teeth… that's brilliant. And such a perfect description! We have those days here too.

What a lovely home. 🙂


That is quite the amazing view! No offense to Utah Lake, but growing up i always heard it was covered in poo. So, I never went near it.

Susan Berlien

I had never heard that."Sun with teeth". I like it, and I LOVE those kinds of days…great photos!


Sun with teeth! Exactly! Oof, in your neck of the woods, if you get "Sun with Teeth" in January, that means it's far too cold to go outside. Or, as my Dad calls it, "Go Outside and Die Weather"—I remember it well, after 14 winters in the Upper Midwest!


That is the coolest phrase–sun with teeth. I LOVE the photos.


Yeah, Utah lake doesn't quite compare – or really compare at all. I must say you live in a gorgeous place, which you photograph very well. Thanks for sharing and making wish (once again) that I lived somewhere with seasons and other colors other than brown!!


It's just beautiful there. What a difference from Cedar City!


Okay, a place that beautiful can help you to stomach the cold!!! My goodness – really, how pretty!


Gorgeous shot. What city are you in again?


"Soare cu dinti" . . . new phrase and definitely useful when the snow hits the midwest. Thank you for sharing the meaning!