10 Books That Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

One of the categories I chose for a book challenge this year is: “A book that will help you achieve one of your goals this year.” I didn’t want to read just any self help book, I really wanted to think about a particular goal I have set for myself and find a book that will help me do it.

The book I chose (I think—I am rather good at changing my mind) is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. I have a few goals that I am not quite ready to say out loud, but will require some big courage on my part to complete them.

I thought I would share a few more goal achieving type books that are either on my list to read soon or that I have already read. I don’t know that I’ll get to each of them this year, but all of them will help me with goals and/or new year’s resolutions that I have set for myself.

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Do you have big goals this year? Here are 10 books that might help you achieve them. #overstuffedlife

Goal: Get rid of clutter

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

Yes, I know this was the most talked about book of 2015, and with good reason. I haven’t yet Konmaried my home, but I am using her “spark joy” catchphrase to help me when I am not sure I should keep something. I do look forward to going at the whole thing just how she says to do it, though.

Spark Joy: An Illustrated Masterclass on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up

If you have already read the first book but haven’t yet “tidied up” your home using the Konmari method, maybe this book is for you. (I fall into this category.) I am excited to see what more she has to offer and am curious about the illustrations.

Getting Rid of It: The Step-by-Step Guide for Eliminating the Clutter in Your Life

I am particularly interested to read this because the authors actually got rid of nearly everything they owned and documented it in this book. They did it so they could travel the world. The whole concept sounds completely wonderful and totally frightening to me, so I’m very intrigued.

You could also subscribe to my email list and receive Making Space for Peace—my own e-book about decluttering—for free.

Goal: Eat healthier food

Clean Gut: The Breakthrough Plan for Eliminating the Root Cause of Disease and Revolutionizing Your Health

I started this book a while ago, and got a good way through it. I now need to finish it up and actually implement the plan. A healthy gut is absolutely necessary to get rid of all disease, and I want to get rid of the ailments that I suffer from. I’m working on it, but need to work harder now!

It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

Whole30 is something I have wanted to try but haven’t. I have friends who have done it and have been amazed at the changes in their entire lives because they changed their diets. It’s another thing I’m really excited about doing, but also very scared to actually do.

Goal: Get out of debt

Lighten Up: Love What You Have, Have What You Need, Be Happier with Less

I read this book by Peter Walsh a few years ago and absolutely loved it. We know him as the guru of decluttering, but he talks about the relationship between the acquisition of debt and all of the stuff we have and helps get to the root of it all. Why are we going into financial debt just to have more stuff? What is missing in our lives that is causing us to turn to material things for comfort?

I really liked his very different take on the whole debt question. It’s not just a plan to get out of debt, it’s a look into the psychology of why you are in debt in the first place. And that’s valuable to know when working to get out from under it.

Goal: Work less

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

I read this one a couple months ago and I loved his ideas about being more productive while using less time. While it depends somewhat on your job (I can’t teach my voice lessons any faster, for instance), it can still apply to every aspect of your life that you consider work. Paying bills, cleaning house, answering email. All that stuff that we have to do can be done in much less time by using these ideas. I am trying to apply the ideas to my blogging schedule right now.

Goal: Change behavior

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

All goals require a behavioral change of some sort. And so many times those behaviors are really, really tough to change. This book delves into how to weigh logic vs. emotion and finally make those changes in your life—no matter how big or small they are.

Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts—Becoming the Person You Want to Be

I picked this book up at the airport a few months ago, and loved the first few chapters. Of course, it’s still sitting on my night table ready to be finished. I’m really fascinated by the whole trigger part of it. I actually bought the book because I have noticed that certain foods are big triggers for me, and I want to change it (see above about eating healthier). But this delves into triggers you probably have never noticed before and teaches you how to self-monitor these triggers and take personal responsibility for your goals.

Goal: Be more courageous

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Whatever big thing you want to do and are afraid of? This book is going to help you learn to embrace your fear and vulnerability and do it anyway. I’m really excited about that. Like I said, I am not ready to articulate these particular goals (don’t ask me to, either—I’m still too afraid), but I hope to make some big progress on them this year!

What book will you read this year to help you achieve YOUR goals?

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