Book Review: Dear Jane by Rachel Ward

Sometimes I’m in the mood for a really deep read that makes me think, but sometimes I’m just in the mood for an enjoyable and fun story. I recently read Dear Jane by Rachel Ward, a new LDS romance, and amazingly enough, it fit both bills for me!

Looking for a clean romance to read? Dear Jane by Rachel Ward is just the book you're looking for.

Dear Jane begins while Quinn is serving her mission and receives a “dear Jane” letter from the boy at home who is supposed to be waiting for her. As devastating as that was for her, she had always dreamed of being a missionary and she resolved to complete her mission with a renewed tenacity and focus. She refused to let that letter ruin her mission.

When she arrives back home she is met with several situations that try her faith in different ways—that’s the part that really made me think. There is a lot of depth to Quinn’s character and the lessons she learns as she faces her various trials. Perhaps the most difficult thing for her to learn was that bad things can happen to good people—even to return missionaries who are trying their best to do what’s right. The meat of the book really lies in the way she works through her problems.

Even though it is a book with a surprising amount of depth, it is still a fun and enjoyable read. So enjoyable, in fact, that I stayed up rather late one night reading it start to finish it ON MY PHONE. I absolutely hate reading on my phone, but my Kindle died, so I was stuck. The characters and the romance and the unexpected twists and turns all made it so I simply couldn’t put it down even though I can’t stand reading on my phone longer than 30 minutes or so!

Simply put, I greatly enjoyed this book, and if you’re looking for a clean, fun romance that also gives you some food for thought you should definitely pick it up.

Purchase the book (affiliate link): Dear Jane on Amazon

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