A Cute Little Witch and an Adorable Kitty

I did not make my two younger daughters their costumes this year. I was at high stress levels, and I had spent a ton of time making my oldest’s vampire costume with a pretty complicated sewing pattern. While talking on the phone with my mom, she wisely told me I needed to simplify and she bought them some Halloween costumes right then and there.

They came in the mail a few days later, and the girls loved them, and all was right in the world.

And best of all, I didn’t make them. Thanks Mom!!!

Golden KittyScary Face?Halloween Catlittle witchMeow!Little witchCuteriffic!

My poor middle daughter wasn’t feeling too great for the Halloween festivities, and even had to leave early from one activity because she was throwing up. So I don’t have as many pictures of her this year, and many of the ones I do have you can tell she isn’t feeling so hot. But she tried to have fun.  And she was super adorable in her witch costume.

My youngest, on the other hand, was her normal crazy self, and of course Halloween just made it that much better! She definitely had a wonderful holiday, and my favorite quote from her this weekend was when we were driving to her preschool Halloween party, and she was talking about how excited she was to see her friends’ costumes, and for them to see how cute she was in her costume. Then she stopped for a bit and said, “The hard part is being patient, right mom?”  So cute.

Finally, this last picture is for my parents, who very kindly paid for new carpet for our front porch. I have looked and looked, but sadly I do not have photographic evidence of the ugly, very orange (and Halloween appropriate) carpet that was there before. Just imagine the ugliest orange indoor/outdoor carpet you can think of, and you might be close.  But here’s a picture of my crazy cat and the new carpet.

Look mom! New carpet!

I already shared pictures of my oldest in her vampire costume.  Click here if you missed them!

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beautiful girls! 🙂 sorry that Chloe was sick (my Kaia was too)
You have a WONDERFUL Mommy! Moms are the best.


Your daughters are so adorable in and out of costumes, but love your mom's choices.

Utah Mommy

Darling girls, darling costumes… missing seeing pics of Bria!!! 🙂


Your mom is wise. And helpful. Cute "girls". (cat and witch)


The girls are gorgeous! Don't you just love it when someone can say something like "simply" to you and it just changes your life?


Fun pictures and costumes! My niece was the same witch–love it:) And I'm so glad to know there are cute cats out there. All the girls my age dress as cats but they are less cute and more….hugely inappropriate.


Cute costumes, but even cuter is their facial expressions as they posed. FUN!


Oh, they are so beautiful! So sad that Chloe was sick. That is never fun for the little ones. I hope her holiday wasn't completely ruined. And Sophia is too cute for words! What a beautiful family you have.

The Crash Test Dummy

OH YOU AMAZE Me with your photos. I am just so glad you simplified and didn't have to make costumes. Your parents ROCK. Lub that they bought you new porch carpet too. Isn't it awesome how blessed you can be.

Hey, thanks for your suggestion about the facebook event page. It's been helping with the contest.

I'm also giving a way a free ticket to Bloggy Boot Camp this week because I'm doing a Ten in Ten Giveway on my blog–ten prizes, ten days. All to get the word out about the job I'm trying to win.

I'm still in the top 20, but I need to stay there until Nov 10 to make it to finals.

Here's the link to my giveaway for all your peeps.


There will be other prizes too—a free photo shoot from Shanna Ormond, Annette Lyon’s new Chocolate Never Faileth book, Kohls cash, signed Cubworld CD and T-shirt, and more


That mom of yours always comes through. 🙂

Serene is my name, not my life!

So, so cute!


These are so fun! I LOVE Sophia's expressions in all of them haha. What a personality! And Chloe is her usual cute, smiling self 🙂 Bria's costume is amazing you did such a great job!!! I love the sleeves!


That just proves there's a karma balance in the world when a wonderful reprieve from costume-making comes your way after making the costume of the century. 🙂

Your kids and their costumes are adorable.


Love 'em.


I'm sorry Chloe felt so sick! Yuck! But these are adorable costumes, even if you didn't make them.

Aleksandra Nearing

LOL love the last one! What cuties!


Very cute! Bummer on the puke. 🙁 But yay on the carpet!

Just SO

I love the spider webbing on the witch costume and cute little bow on the kitty's ear. Too cute.

Marni's Organized Mess

Love the festive header! Beautiful girls!

Did you see? Marni's Organized Mess is on Facebook now! Will you "like" me?

Happy Fall!


That last photo of your little kitty made me LOL!