Free Printable: Thanksgiving Photo Scavenger Hunt

A printable game for the Thanksgiving table—find all your gratitude in your phones! Fun for the whole family.

We enjoy doing gratitude activities around the Thanksgiving table.

In the past we’ve used simple Thankgiving Trees or Thanksgiving jars filled with gratitude strips. One year we did a gratitude game with M&Ms which was super fun (plus, chocolate!).

With teenagers in the house, and therefore a lot of phone usage, I thought it would be fun to incorporate phones into our gratitude activity this Thanksgiving Day. My teenager’s camera rolls are FULL of the things they are thankful for, whether they realize it or not! And if I’m being honest, my camera roll is bursting at the seams, too.

Thanksgiving Photo Scavenger Hunt

How to play:

Download the free printable at the very end of this post. Just enter in your email and it will be sent straight to your inbox.

Print out a copy for everyone at the table.

Rules of the game:

1. Pick a photo topic from the list.

You can go down the list in order, or if you don’t have time to do every topic, just pick your favorites.

2. Set a timer for one minute.

During that minute, everyone has the chance to go through their camera roll to find a photo that matches the topic. Hint: Use the search feature in your camera roll for best results!

3. Everyone who finds a photo to match the topic gets a point for that round.

You can switch this up if you want. Maybe everyone who found a photo gets a point, but people can vote for their favorite and that person gets two points. Maybe you lose a point if you weren’t able to find a photo. Lots of possibilities to make it fun!

4. Go around the table for photo show & tell.

Everyone should have the chance to show the picture they found and explain why they are grateful for it.

5. No taking new photos!

All the photos used in the game must already exist on the camera roll! No taking a photo of your sister at the table when you have to find a sibling picture!

6. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins!

Play all the topics, or only as many as you can fit in. No matter how many you play, the person with the most points wins.

I am planning to have a small prize for the winner—extra motivation to find really amazing photos!

I can’t wait to play this at our table this year! What a fun way to see into each other’s lives and connect just a little bit more, while also acknowledging our blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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