How to Trick-or-Treat over Video Call

Worried about how to safely trick-or-treat during COVID-19? Do it over Zoom, FaceTime, or other video calls!

Every kid looks forward to Trick-or-Treating on Halloween. Sadly, for many families, 2020 had a different idea, and COVID-19 is preventing Trick-or-Treaters from venturing outside the house.

I hadn’t really given the issue much thought. My kids are teenagers and have mostly aged out of Trick-or-Treat. Even if they wanted to go, they understand why they can’t this year.

But then I started to see a lot of discussion on Facebook about Trick-or-Treat. It became more and more obvious that (at least in our area), it would have to be cancelled, and I felt so bad for all the littles who look so forward to this holiday!

Then my friend Anna posted a GENIUS idea that she was doing with her little daughter: Trick-or-Treat over Zoom.

How to trick-or-treat over video conferencing calls

1. Make a list of people you will include

Your child will be trick-or-treating from your family and friends over the video call. The first thing to do is to list who you would like to include.

Make sure you have all of the information you need from them to complete the call. Generally you’ll need either their email address or phone number.

2. Set up your video call

There are several different platforms you can use. Zoom, Google Meet/Google Hangout, Microsoft Teams, or even just FaceTime. Because I have easy access to Zoom through my work, I’d probably do that.

3. Buy and hide your candy

Purchase enough candy (or non-candy treats) for each person on the video call to “give” your child.

Sometime before trick-or-treating, hide it around your house and/or yard. Make sure you write down each hiding place!

Give each person their own candy location so they are ready for your kids to trick-or-treat!

4. Trick-or-Treat!

On the day of Halloween, get your kiddos dressed up in their costumes.

As each of your family and friends join your video call or FaceTime, your kids will show off their adorable Halloween costume and yell Trick-or-Treat!

The family member or friend will then tell them where to find the candy and watch as the child runs off to find it.

I thought this idea was genius, and I’m thankful Anna is letting me share it here.

Your kids will have fun showing off their costumes to the people they love, and they’ll still get a bit of a candy haul! Win-win.

And hopefully next year, we can do Halloween like normal.

Happy Halloween!

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