Printable Cleaning Checklist for Your Kid’s Bedroom

Is your child’s room always a mess? Download this free printable cleaning checklist with step-by-step cleaning instructions that young kids can easily follow. Get that bedroom “mommy clean” for once and for all!

***Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to download your printable cleaning checklist for kids’ bedrooms!***

When I ask my kids to clean their rooms, I often get a very different level of clean than I was hoping for. Let’s be honest—”kid clean” is usually way different than “mommy clean!”

My youngest daughter struggles to keep her room clean. And when I say she struggles, I mean she REALLY struggles.

Because I really like things to be a certain level of clean, the mess in her bedroom is often an issue…and sometimes I flip out have a less-than-perfect reaction to the gigantic mess. It’s really hard to be the mom, sometimes.

But being the mom requires constantly thinking of really great solutions to problems like the eternally messy room.

Kid clean is very different from Mommy clean! Teach your kids to clean their bedrooms by themselves without getting overwhelmed with this free printable checklist.

Not only do I not want to have to clean it myself each day, I want her to learn to be self-reliant. I want her to know how to make her bed. I want her to understand the importance of keeping our homes clean.

I think my daughter’s biggest issue is that she gets overwhelmed when she sees the big mess (who wouldn’t?), and doesn’t really know where to start.

So, I made her a checklist. I hung it up in her closet so that she can refer to it as she cleans up.

Is your room mommy clean? A printable checklist for children who struggle cleaning their bedrooms.

One whole wall in Sophia’s walk-in closet is a bulletin board, which is where we hung the list the first time I made it for her. It printed out crooked but I didn’t even care because it served its purpose (and maybe matched all the crazy stuff on her board better anyway!)

I’ve since made the checklist a lot cuter (not that it matters), which is the one that you can download at the end of this post.

Ultimately, I hope that she will be able to figure out how to keep her room from becoming a national disaster, but for now, the checklist is helping her recover from each disaster she has.

Making her bed by herself is still hard (she has these really adorable day beds and they are difficult even for me to make nicely). But we’re working on it—and she’s doing a great job.

It’s amazing how just having a few little instructions can make a world of difference—kid clean miraculously becomes mommy clean!

Download your printable below!

Kid clean is very different from Mommy clean! Teach your kids to clean their bedrooms by themselves without getting overwhelmed with this free printable checklist.

(I told you her room could get pretty messy!)

To download:

Enter your email in the form below and the printable will be sent directly to your email.

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Oh boy. My mom would have been SO into this checklist. Thank goodness the internet didn't exist when I was growing up.

Actually, I could still probably use it… Is that weird?


I found this printable through Pinterest, and I chuckled, because "mommy clean" is what I say to my kids when they say their rooms are clean. Great list! Thanks!

Heather @

Connie K

I so need this, but in picture format as my kids aren’t reading yet.


That works amazingly! Thank you!:)