November 2015 Visiting Teaching Printable

I LOVED General Conference last month. My husband was in Argentina conducting an orchestra there at the time and on Saturday morning it was really hard for me to gather the girls and get ourselves ready to watch. I almost didn’t do it.

And then Saturday morning session happened. And I am SO GLAD that I was watching. If that had been all of conference, it would have been enough for me. Every single talk that morning was exactly what I needed to hear.

For me, the thing that touched me most was the idea of self-reflection in our discipleship. President Uchtdorf talked about asking ourselves whether or not our experience in the Church was working for us. He also gave several other questions that we should be asking ourselves regularly, such as:

“Does my life have meaning?”

“Do I believe in God?”

“Do I believe that God knows and loves me?”

“Do I believe that God hears and answers my prayers?”

“Am I truly happy?”

“Are my efforts leading me to the highest spiritual goals and values in life?”

And then he reminded us that “exaltation is our goal; discipleship is our journey.” And that journey of discipleship requires not only self-reflection, but a realization that we have not yet arrived. Mercy extended to ourselves and others is a necessary part of our journey as well as remembering to just start where we are.

"Exaltation is our goal; discipleship is our journey" President Dieter F. Uchtdorf October 2015 General Conference. Visiting Teaching Printable for November 2015 #overstuffedlife

Another talk that really emphasized the idea of self-reflection in our discipleship was Elder Lawrence’s talk. I loved his stories about asking the Lord “What lack I yet?” and the amazing answers we are given if we just ask what the one thing is that we need to be working on right now. He quoted Harold B. Lee:

“Every one of us, if we would reach perfection, must [at] one time ask ourselves this question, ‘What lack I yet?’”

Start where you are, ask the Lord what you lack, and get up and do it.

"What Lack I Yet?" Printable for Elder Lawrence's talk in October 2015 General Conference. #overstuffedlife

Those were the messages that I heard over and over again from Sister Marriott and President Eyring, as well as President Uchtdorf and Elder Lawrence.

I’m working on it!

To download this month’s printables, click on the links below:

What was your favorite conference talk this October?

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