Princess Cruise to Alaska: Tracy Arm Fjord and Juneau

Our Epic Vacation: Day 12

We began our day bright and early by sailing into the Tracy Arm Fjord. The last time we took an Alaskan cruise, we did Glacier Bay instead, so I was happy to see something different. There aren’t as many glaciers at Tracy Arm, but what we did see was gorgeous!  

Tracy Arm FjordJoel at Tracy Arm Fjord

It was mighty chilly out there, even in August, so the ship gave out some cozy blankets and served hot chocolate.

Sophia's epic hot chocolate mustacheBria and her hot chocolate mustache

These two cuties both had epic hot chocolate mustaches, but then again, I’m pretty sure I did, too.

The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers (my middle daughter and two of my nephews) also had hot chocolate mustaches, but they weren’t nearly as epic. They could’ve done much better.

Tracy Arm Fjord

Dave the photobomberMom and Dad at Tracy Arm

My brother totally photobombed the picture I was trying to take of my parents. But at least he made them laugh.

Tracy Arm Fjord


My niece wins the prize for the cleanest face after drinking Princess Hot Chocolate and also for having the prettiest brown eyes.

Sophia's eyes

My youngest daughter was really cold. I gasped when I pulled this picture up to edit yesterday. I freaking love it—it’s my new favorite photo of her.  

Chloe and Sophia and their socks

My kids wore awesome new socks.

Tracy Arm Fjord

Bria's cruise ship breakfast

After we finally got too cold, we went in for breakfast. But we still got to enjoy all the beautiful views of the Fjord.

Juneau dock

Later we pulled into Juneau, where we all left the ship.  My husband and I had hoped to take the girls on a whale watch like the one we experienced when we were in Juneau before, but it was just too darn cold.

Juneau Alaska Tram

Instead, we took the tram up the mountain to a nature center/gift shop area.

Juneau from the top of the tram

It was really cool to look down and see our ship from way up there!  We also spent a lot of time at the nature center and in the gift shops. Unfortunately, I have no photos of either, because when it comes to having all the children around I start herding them and not taking pictures of them. Also, it wouldn’t stop raining, so I didn’t get my camera out at all in the nature center, which was partly outdoors.

Bald Eagle Juneau Alaska

We saw a bald eagle when we came back down the mountain. Sure wish I had a telephoto lens! Although, even if I did, I doubt I would have brought it on this particular excursion, so no harm done.

Joel in Juneau

After the nature center, almost everyone went back to the ship with most of the kids. My mom stayed behind with my oldest daughter and my nephew to do a little more souvenir shopping. My daughter came out of that shopping trip with her favorite Alaska hoodie that she still wears all the time.  

My husband and I needed to find a post office to mail our mortgage bill. Going on month long vacations makes it a little difficult to make sure your bills get paid on time, but not too early!  We found the post office, but it meant walking over a mile in the rain in Juneau. It was actually a really fun time we had together, and we saw some neat parts of Juneau that we wouldn’t have otherwise seen.

A foggy day in Juneau Alaska

Downtown Juneau

Downtown Juneau

We caught the last bus back to the pier, and it was the exact same bus driver we had the last time we were in Juneau! That was kind of fun. Plus, he was a cool driver with lots of interesting information about the area.

Once back on the ship we dropped the kids off at the kids’ club where they had a dinner party, and the adults headed to the dining room for a little bit of kid-free dining.

And that’s all I wrote in my travel journal! I’m guessing we were so tired we tucked in fairly early that night!

***End of Day 12***

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