The Rainbow of Butchart Gardens

Remember how I went on an Alaskan Cruise in June?

Yeah, me neither.

So I guess it’s a good thing I took so many photos.

Actually, I was just moving a bunch of my photo files off of my hard drive and I realized I hadn’t posted these pictures on my blog. And since the Butchart Gardens (located on Vancouver Island, in Victoria, which was our last port before we docked in Seattle and headed back to normal life) is now in the top ten most beautiful places I have ever visited, it would be a complete travesty if you did not get to see the photos I took there.

Millions of flowers, in literally every color imaginable.

Red & Pink



Green (Okay, so there were no green flowers…but just look at all of the green leaves everywhere!)




The place was just awe-inspiring, to say the least. I really wished I lived close enough to see the gardens in every season. The roses were just beginning to bloom, and many of the flowers were starting to die off, while others weren’t quite ready to come out and play yet.

I did buy some seeds in the gift shop, and I can’t wait to plant them in my yard come spring. Since I can’t live at Butchart, hopefully I can bring a little bit of Butchart to my home.

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Love the flowers. Some day I hope to get to Alaska. I'm glad that you got to go and have decided to share all of your memories.


I was just talking to dad yesterday about that experience and how you and I were so enthralled with every thing we saw. Absolutely the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in one place.


I've been there! Not for 20 years almost, but I still remember it being the most beautiful garden I have ever seen, to this day. I would love to go back someday. Did Victoria still hang baskets of flowers from every lightpole?

Kristina P.

What a beautiful way to start off my morning!


I love the oranges!


Wait, what? You went to Alaska? How did I not know that? Oh, yeah. I didn't blog over the summer. 🙂

Did you hit the Southeast passage – Haines and Juneau and Skagway?

Melanie Jacobson

Looking at these pictures made me happy!

Loralee and the gang...

Beautiful! I miss living in Oregon, because there are places that you can see this kind of color there, too. Thanks for sharing.


I've seen some amazing places over the years, and Butchart Gardens is in the top five. Did you get a chance to go back at night? Oh my gosh. It's breathtaking. Everything is very subtly lit, so you can still see the flowers but it doesn't take away from the "garden in the evening" feel of the place.

You are a magnificent photographer, Lara. You could easily turn these pictures into notecards and sell them right here on your blog. I'm totally serious. If you did that, I would buy a set for every woman in my life.

Think about it!


BEAUTIFUL photos. The lilypad one is just breathtaking.


Oh, how lovely! And I love the fact that you bought some seeds so you can create you own beautiful flower garden. Take pictures of it when it starts blooming!


i love them all!

Eldredge Family

This is just how I picture Heaven to be! Full of flowers and green all around! Thanks for the pretty pictures!


Those are absolutely breathtaking. Gorgeous!


So gorgeous. I love beautiful flowers, AND your photos of them!


You are a master! Gorgeous photos!

annie valentine

Flowers are pretty. I kind of forgot.

L.T. Elliot

Wow. Just…wow.


We went to Victoria on our honeymoon. I loved the Butchart Gardens. It was wonderful!


Butchart is at the tippy-top of my wish list of places to see around here. Definitely need to hop the Port Angeles ferry ASAP! Beautiful photos.


I love the pictures. They are beautiful.




I agree with what DeNae said. Turn them into notecards and sell them right on your web page. They are absolutely stunning!

AS Amber

I've been there! When DeNae lived in Seattle my mom and dad and aunt and uncle and I took a fairy through the San Juan Islands up to Vacouver, BC. Absolutely incredible!!

Oh, I'm Amber. DeNae's little sister. Nice to meet you. I could definitely use some "brightening" these days.