4 Ways to Simplify Your Life During the Holidays

The holiday season can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Use these ideas to simplify Christmas and find more peace during the holidays.

Several years ago I found myself standing in a very long line at the Post Office on December 19. That year had been insane as far as the holidays went and I was not enjoying myself. Instead, I was completely stressed out and overwhelmed and just trying to keep my head above water to make the time happy for the kids. As I stood in that line, trying to balance the pile of packages I hoped would arrive to family members before Christmas Day, I vowed that I would never again let the holidays become so crazy that we couldn’t even enjoy them.

Don't let your long list of things to do steal your joy this Christmas season. Use these ideas to help you simplify and focus on what really matters. #overstuffedlife

While I certainly haven’t been perfect—we’ve definitely had our crazy holiday moments since then—I will say that I have been much better. The first step to simplifying the holidays is to recognize that things have gotten a little too overstuffed and reevaluate your priorities.

What is the most important thing about Christmas for you and your family? 

For me, it’s that my family is together, that we’re happy, and that we are focusing on the birth of Christ and all that entails. Hopefully everything we choose to do during this season will accomplish those three things. If something detracts from those goals, it’s now much easier for me to cut it out of our schedule without feeling too bad.

Below are four ideas that will help you to focus on your own Christmas and holiday season priorities.

4 Ways to Simplify the Holidays

1. Schedule downtime

Do not give in to the idea that you must be super busy and running around everywhere during the holidays. You may have a long list of things to accomplish, but make sure that downtime is on that list.

During that downtime you can do things like:

— Listen to uplifting Christmas music

— Watch a favorite Christmas movie.

— Read a Christmas book, either by yourself or with your family (for suggestions click here: 24 Christmas Books or here: 11 More Christmas Books or here: Even More Christmas Books).

— Sleep! Renewing your energy will help you get more done later.

How are you focusing on what really matters this Christmas?

I’m sure you can think of plenty of other relaxing activities that will help you keep the spirit of the season with you. Don’t let a long list of activities deter you from resting, filling your own vessel, and keeping your joy.

2. Keep only the most beloved holiday traditions

I am a huge fan of holiday traditions. I love every tradition we have ever established. But sometimes, it is overwhelming to try to do all of them, even if they do support my priorities for the season.

If your list is getting too long, try asking each family member what their favorite tradition is. Make those things a priority, and fit in the rest if you can. Let the lesser traditions go if necessary.

This year, I asked my family that very question and the answers I got will help me to make the best decisions this month.

My husband’s favorite tradition is watching Elf on December 22, A Christmas Carol on Christmas Adam (December 23), and listening to Amahl and the Night Visitors on Christmas Eve. He said those three things cannot be separated for him, so I guess we won’t separate them! The great thing is that each of them is an activity that we do together and makes us each happy, as well as helping us remember Christ.

How are you focusing on what really matters this Christmas?

My oldest daughter’s favorite tradition is baking Christmas cookies together and giving them to the neighbors.

My middle daughter’s favorite tradition is listening to Amahl and the Night Visitors on Christmas Eve. Amahl is an opera about a young, crippled shepherd boy and his meeting with the three wise men on their way to visit the Christ child. Just before bed on Christmas Eve, we turn off all of the lights and listen to the entire opera (about 55 minutes) by the light of the Christmas tree.

My youngest daughter’s favorite tradition is going sledding.

As for me? It’s probably Amahl, which is obviously a beloved tradition in our house. Luckily, it requires almost no planning or effort!

Instead, I’ll pick my second favorite tradition, which is reading Christmas books together as often as we can during the month of December. It brings such a sweet spirit into our home, and while it isn’t always feasible to do it every single night, I love the nights we are able to cuddle up together and read inspiring stories of Christmas magic.

3. Plan ahead

By planning ahead—and I mean WAY ahead, like September ahead—you will free up a lot of time during December for enjoying the season instead of running around like a crazy person.

Things to plan ahead:

Christmas cards

Try to have the photo picked out before school starts and have them ordered before Thanksgiving. For more information on how I deal with Christmas cards (which can cause a TON of stress during the holidays), click here: A Stress-free Guide to Sending Christmas Cards.

Stocking stuffers

It’s easy to pick up little things here and there while shopping. Before I know it, I have a nice assortment for stockings and it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet.

The big gift

For the past few years, that has been a trip of some sort instead of an actual gift. Either way, though, it’s nice to have decided what it will be before December rolls around. This way, you know which sales to watch for and you are less swayed by other things just because they are a good deal.


Whether it’s what we will bake for our holiday neighbor gifts, or what we will make for our own traditional meals, I try to think way ahead on that and have all the ingredients on hand before December 1.

Christmas dresses

I always buy my girls new matching Christmas dresses to wear to church at Christmas. I used to always get them in October with coupons I would get for my eldest’s birthday, but now that she is a teenager that’s a bit more difficult. This year I have two dresses already, but haven’t found a good one for my other daughter yet. Because I wasn’t planning ahead enough with this—it’s been harder now that I try to match them without matching exactly.

How are you focusing on what really matters this Christmas?

There are plenty of other things you can plan ahead, depending on your own traditions and schedule. It’s good to make some goals for the holidays sometime in September and do one or two things each week so that you are totally prepared. I include Halloween and Thanksgiving in this planning, too. It’s a busy time of year!

4. Simplify your gift giving

I used to go completely over the top and over budget every year for Christmas. This was no good for several reasons, but the main one was that I was spending too much time dealing with gifts and not enough time with my family creating memories.

Nowadays, I have my children fill out their wish lists in four categories: Something I want, Something I need, Something to wear, and Something to read.

Simplify your Christmas list into four categories: Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read.

To get a printable download of the list, click here: Christmas List Printable

Not only does this help me and my husband to focus on what’s important during Christmas time (not to mention save some money!), it helps the girls to also focus on what’s important. They know they will only have four gifts under the tree from us. Actually, three. The “something I want” is usually from Santa Claus, though I have also downplayed Santa a LOT in the past few years.

Other ways to simplify gift giving:

— Have your family members keep a Pinterest board or an Amazon wish list throughout the year so you can get great ideas early.

— Buy up an assortment of things like lotions or candles during the year so that you have gifts on hands for friends and acquaintances.

Consider gifting experiences instead of things. We are doing this more and more and I LOVE it.

How are you focusing on what really matters this Christmas?

Now that December 1 is creeping up quickly, I am ready. I’m ready to relax, to enjoy my family, and to focus on the things that matter most and why we really celebrate this season. My list is still long, as it always is, but I am kinder to myself about getting it all done.

Don’t be overwhelmed this holiday season! Simplify.

What’s your best trick for simplifying the holidays?

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