Bored Bucket Printable—120 Activities to Keep Kids Busy

Got bored kids at home this summer? Use this free bored bucket printable to make a bucket filled with activities to keep them busy.

Bored bucket free printable

When my girls were smaller, I spent a long time making them a bored bucket for the summer. I got some large popsicle sticks, painted them all black, and used a silver sharpie to write down activities they could do if they got bored.

One of my daughters in particular absolutely loved this. She routinely drew sticks out of the bucket and diligently did whatever activity that was given—even if it was a chore. Because, yes, I put both chores and fun activities in the bucket.

That same daughter is now 17 years old and still enjoys drawing from the bored bucket. Last summer, she even made her own bored jar filled with more teenage appropriate activities, and still uses it often.

She inspired me to make a bored bucket printable. If she loved it so much, I’m sure there are plenty of other kids out there that would love it, too.

I kept with the popsicle stick idea, and I even used all the old black painted popsicles to make the updated version. It turned out really cute!

Following are directions to make your own bored bucket using the printable I have provided. If you are just interested in finding activities to add to a bored jar without using the printable, those are included at the end of the post.

Use this free bored bucket printable to make a bored bucket for your kids. Filled with 120 activities, there are plenty of options to keep kids happy and engaged!

How to make a Bored Bucket

Supplies needed:

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1. Print out the printable by scrolling to the end of this post and filling out the form.

2. Cut out the printable activities. Recruit your kids to help with this part!

3. Using the PVA glue, glue each activity to the craft sticks.

Note: I used a regular glue stick on mine and they are not holding up well—I highly recommend getting the PVA glue.

4. Put the sticks into the bucket.

5. Turn bored kids into engaged kids!

Got bored kids at home this summer? Use this free printable to make a bored bucket to keep them busy.

120 Activities to Beat Boredom

Here are the activities I included on the printable. The printable also has a page of blanks so you can add your own ideas, too!

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These activities include fun activities that can be done at home, chores, and some activities you may need to leave the house for or that may cost money. If you do not have the time or resources for certain activities, make sure you don’t include them in your bored bucket.

Use this free bored bucket printable to make a bored bucket for your kids. Filled with 120 activities, there are plenty of options to keep kids happy and engaged!

  • Make homemade popsicles
  • Do a lemonade stand
  • Clean out your closet
  • Play hopscotch
  • Run through the sprinklers
  • Clean the baseboards
  • Call grandma
  • Weed the garden
  • Go for a run
  • Make a pillow fort
  • Pop popcorn and watch a movie
  • Build something with LEGO
  • Dance to loud music
  • Climb a tree
  • Unload the dishwasher
  • Have a paper airplane race
  • Play a card game
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Plant some flower seeds
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Play catch
  • Go to a friend’s house
  • Water the garden
  • Make a family tree
  • FaceTime a friend
  • Learn 5 vocabulary words
  • Fold a load of laundry
  • Make a comic book
  • Sort the laundry
  • Make a scrapbook page
  • Mop the kitchen
  • Organize the bathroom
  • Watch a DVD
  • Play football
  • Finger paint
  • Fly a kite
  • Vacuum the living room
120 activities to beat summer boredom—using the free printable, make a bored bucket for your kids filled with activities they can do whenever they say they are bored.

  • Do a jigsaw puzzle
  • Write in your journal
  • Learn a new song
  • Clean your room
  • Do a science experiment
  • Gather rocks and paint them
  • Do 50 push ups
  • Clean under your bed
  • Make a funny video
  • Make S’mores
  • Make a pinecone bird feeder
  • Write a letter to someone
  • Play soccer
  • Paint with water colors
  • Make a vision board
  • Do a sewing project
  • Take some cool photos
  • Play with the dog
  • Redecorate your room
  • Do a photoshoot with friends
  • Pick wildflowers
  • Bake a cake
  • Go on a hike
  • Clean out the fridge
  • Make a sandwich
  • Have a water gun fight
  • Jump rope
  • Play a board game
  • Learn origami
  • Make a stop motion video
  • Play charades
  • Dust the living room
  • Play hide and seek
Use this free bored bucket printable to make a bored bucket for your kids. Filled with 120 activities, there are plenty of options to keep kids happy and engaged!

  • Invent your own board game
  • Learn 5 words in Korean
  • Write a book report
  • Go letterboxing
  • Do 1 chore of Mom’s choice
  • Make an obstacle course
  • Do a service for someone
  • Make a time capsule
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Clean the toilet
  • Water the houseplants
  • Watch funny YouTube videos
  • Go to the playground
  • Learn how to tie knots
  • Interview a family member
  • Go roller blading
  • Go swimming
  • Build a fort outside
  • Load the dishwasher
  • Take a nap

There are plenty of things to do to keep kids from boredom—but remember that creativity is borne out of boredom, too. Sometimes it’s ok for kids to be bored.

Hopefully this bored bucket will help to inspire and spark their own creativity and keep your kids happy and busy.

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