DIY Cruella Deville Halloween Costume

Ms. DeVille

I didn’t dress up for the Friday night Treat Street thing. But I did dress up on Saturday for actual Halloween. Too bad hardly anyone saw my costume to appreciate all the work I did on my hair. It may have been easier to buy a wig.

After the lovely Friday night weather, Saturday was cold and rainy. My husband took the girls Trick-or-Treating through our neighborhood while I stayed home to pass out candy. I was kind of shocked at how few Trick-or-Treaters I had. Maybe five groups of kids total. And most of them were college students. In costume. I loved that

DIY Cruella Deville Costume

  • Long, black dress.
  • Fur coat.
  • Red heels.
  • Black evening gloves.

I used one of the gowns that I wear for singing performances and a white fox fur coat that I inherited from my grandmother. It was fun to have a reason to wear the coat! The red heels are shoes that I wear often, so they were also easy to come by.

Cruella wears red gloves, but I had black ones already so I just went with those.

Even if you don’t have these items readily available in your own closet, all of them are fairly easy to find at thrift stores. Faux fur coats may be a little trickier to find, but they are there!

For my hair, I just used colored hairspray. It took a really long time and it may have been easier to just purchase a Cruella wig, but I really liked the final effect! Add some red lipstick and black eyeliner, and you are ready to go!


My youngest told everyone that her sister was an “Evil Witch” for Halloween and Mommy was a “Mean, Evil Witch.” I got a kick out of that.

The meanest thing I did this year was offer to buy out my children’s candy. They could pick the ten best pieces (and hello! My neighborhood passed out a number of full-sized candy bars, so they got a lot more than I bargained for!) and sell the rest to us for ten dollars. It’s worth it to me to have happier children that aren’t hopped up on sugar for 3 weeks. I bought my youngest out with a Cinderella Barbie doll that cost me ten dollars at the store.

My oldest (age 9) wasn’t going to go for it, but in the end, she relented. My husband now has a lot of candy to take to his office and do something about, because it isn’t staying in this house!

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Jenny P.

I think you look awesome. And I've never gotten the fur coat thing.

Really? College kids trick or treating? At least they were in costume. 🙂


Love your costume!

Kristina P.

Your hair is perfect!!


You are so preeeettttttyyyyyy!


Your hair is completely amazing, and your fur coat statement cracked me up—it's so true! It's like when I was a kid and used to watch re-runs of the Dick Van Dyke show, and I loved that Mary Tyler Moore always wore capri pants. I remember telling my mom that I hoped that one day those pants would come back in style, so I could wear them. And then they did (hooray!), which then led me to the horrifying realization that unless one is incredibly thin like Mary Tyler Moore, if one wears cute little black dress shoes with capri pants, one ends up looking like Porky Pig. Ah, the irony of fashion.


If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will!


You looked awesome! I love the hair.


Your costume is BRILLIANT!


That buyout thing is an interesting idea.
Why are we never online at the same time?
I am on right now.


Love the hair, it rocks. I always wanted to be one of those people with a white patch somewhere in my hair. How easy was it to color/spray it?

PS: the red shoes rock! Here's to college aged trick or treaters (I was one of those once upon a time, too!).


the hair is VERY impressive! (the grey actually looks real.)

hmmm, never thought of buying their candy… but it sure is tempting! I'm going to seriously consider that next year. (I just let them eat it for two straight days till it's gone; figure get it done and over with than ration it for weeks!)


A dentist in Scottsdale did that – paid a $1 pound for kids' candy and sent the candy to the troops in Iraq. If it wasn't all the way up in Scottsdale, i would have taken advantage!

Love the Cruella de Vil thing! That was a fun coat to wear! And when I wore it, I WAS fat (205 :#$%@#$!!!:) so the bulkiness didn't help that time either! And you didn't have to deal with a wig like a did. Bleh. If I ever do it again (Cruella) I might just do a dye job.

Halloween rocks!


I LOVE your costume! I'm sad not so many people were able to see it.

And the candy/money story was very smart. I'm so sick of candy around here I can hardly stand it.


You look great! I love the hair! I just never have gotten into the whole halloween thing, but admire people (especially adults) who are brave enough to dress up and have some fun with it. Good Job Lara!


Wow! You look great! I was hoping we'd get to see a pic of you! Jayden in his Dalmatian costume would have been perfect to go along with you!

Good idea getting the candy out of the house, lol. It's a big temptation in our house!


great costume! Totally authentic, I'd hide my puppies.

Loralee and the gang...

I love the candy buy-out idea. I am going to have to do that next year. I wonder if there is a Christmas cookie alternative like that, too?

Visible Voice

Perrrfect! I just want to break out into song.


I would kill to have hair like yours! Even with the white it is smokin'!!!!

Rachel Sue

Love the hair and the new header.

And at least they were in costume. I saw a number of teens walking around in street clothes with a pillowcase. Unacceptable.


That's a great idea for getting rid of the candy. And a really great costume too!


wow…love the hair…You look awesome..that is a beautiful coat…fun that you found a reason to put it to use….lol


Oh my goodness Lara you look great. I can't believe you used your own hair. I also love that you made good use of the fur. It's all awesome!!!

You also want to know something funny? I was Cruella last year!

Me (aka Danielle)

What a GREAT costume! I am taking notes..for next year! LOVE IT!


Gorgeous! The real Cruella has nothing on you!

Kim Skinner

you look marvelous!

Aly Dosdall

you look **fab** dahhhling! kudos to you for joining in on the fun. =)


I for one am DIGGING those cute red shoes!! And I love your blog's new look, too!

As for the hair, honestly woman, you're gorgeous. Even with Hair by DeVil, you're still such a knockout!

L.T. Elliot

You look awesome. And the shoes? AWE.SOME.


Great costume!