February 2014 Visiting Teaching Printable

The February Visiting Teaching lesson is The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd.  I do love the image of Christ being a loving shepherd and we his sheep.

“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? …

“I say unto you, that … joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:4, 7).

This month I especially loved the quote by President Monson about how we are Christ’s hands on this earth, and that we are to use them to serve and to lift others. We are also shepherds.

I was thinking that, along with the printable I made to go in their picture frames, I would also include a pair of glove liners. It’s been so cold lately, what with the polar vortex, plus it’s a nice reminder of how we are the Lord’s hands.

 CLICK HERE to download from box.net.

Here it is in Spanish, also.

February 2014 Visiting Teaching Printable Spanish

CLICK HERE to download from box.net.

Other Visiting Teaching Printables:

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Thank you, Lara!


What a beautiful way to display the VT message each month! Now that I've found you I'm using your monthly frames with my VT Sisters. Thank you for sharing your creativity. I've even got it displayed in my home.