San Francisco Getaway: Day 4

Day 4 was mostly spent driving to and in Lake Tahoe for my husband’s family reunion.

We ate our last fancy meal and packed up to check out. We loaded ourselves in the car and were off to Tahoe.

We drove for a while. I mention this because I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the entire time and was about 200 pages into it by the time we arrived in Tahoe. Of course, once we got into windy territory I had to stop for fear of throwing up. I also didn’t read as fast as I normally do because every time I gasped or squealed or said omigosh! I had to tell my husband what was going on. I ended up re-reading entire chapters out loud to him. (He doesn’t read the books, but enjoys the movies. Don’t worry, he wanted to know…I wasn’t spoiling anything for him.)

We arrived in Tahoe and met all of the family for the big luau. There were Hawaiian family members there that my husband hadn’t seen for 20 years or more, and a few that he had never even met before. So you can imagine I was feeling a bit lost.

We ate yummy kalua pig and rice and lau lau and poi (not so yummy) and whatever else you eat at a luau. My husband was forced to eat a mussel. I wouldn’t touch that stuff, even though one of our nephews was running around with crabs trying to scare me into eating it.

We walked down to the beach where my husband played football in the freezing cold hypothermia inducing water with his uncles and brothers and cousins and nephews while I sat in the blessed sun reading Harry Potter. (Funny sidenote: I saw at least 4 other people reading it on the beach. Kind of fun to be part of a national phenomenon on the day the last book of the series was released.)

After a couple hours we went back up to the campground and had the rest of the luau: The show. Some of the uncles have a band and they played Hawaiian music while several family members took turns doing the hula. (Photo of 3 of the Uncles and a cousin playing in the band)

Sometime near the end of the show, an uncle asked everyone with Hawaiian blood (not me!) to come up and he taught them all a hula. He even used my husband as his special helper. So. Dang. Hilarious. Hawaiian or not, my cute husband was not blessed with the hula gene.

Stiff as a board, he was. If you ever come visit us, make sure to ask him to demonstrate the hula dance he learned, and I guarantee you will laugh harder than you have ever laughed in your life. And if you don’t, there’s something wrong with you.

After the show, we finished the luau: More food. After our bellies were nice and full we went to the lodge where we were crashing for the night with all of my brothers-in-law and their families. Talked till way too late. Well, they talked. I read.

Finished Harry Potter by the time we arrived in Elko, Nevada the next day.

I told you I was insane.

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Dang that he learned that dance AFTER we saw you guys!v


What FUN!!!! He’s a sport!

I read my son about 1/2 of Harry Potter over the last two days. Now he has to wait almost a month for the other half, since he’s with his dad.


Too cute! Lovin’ that hula picture!! Sounds like you’re having a great time!


How do you read in the car? I get through 10 pages of a fluffy tabloid mag and i’m as sick as week 9 of pregnancy! That’s dedication, though. O.K.-I CANNOT wait to see my “milkman” hawaiian brother hula! Mom couldn’t even get him to a school dance he was so terrified.


Sounds like you had a lot of fun on your trip. Oh – and you’re not insane. Most everyone I know had it read the weekend it came out. My friend got it as soon as it came out at midnight and finished it by noon Saturday. It was good though, wasn’t it?


What a fun, fun vacaction – and so many memories!

I’m laughing about Joel’s lack of hula skills. . .at least he was a good sport! :O)


I like the picture of Joel. . . Mike liked it too. I really don’t know if I have met a funnier guy!

Harry Potter. . . Before I read the last book I wanted to start from the beginning. I am almost done with book four.