March 2014 Visiting Teaching Printable

The March Visiting Teaching Message is The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Light of the World.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”  –John 8:12

My favorite quote in the lesson was also the longest, but I really wanted it to be the one I highlighted on my printable this month. (I have given each of my sisters a 5×7 frame so that they can change the photo in it each month to remind them of the VT message.)

Since the quote by President Eyring talks about reflecting the light of Christ in our own lives, I thought of a photo I took on an Alaskan cruise about 5 years ago. It was the most breathtaking sunset I have ever seen in my entire life. The light of the sun reflecting on the water was like actual gold. I dug it up to use for this printable since the imagery of the sun reflecting on the water reminded me of reflecting the light of Christ.


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Here it is in Spanish also:

March 2014 Visiting Teaching Message - Light of the World - Spanish

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