The Pumpkin that turned into a Princess

My youngest was all set to be a pumpkin this Halloween. She was wearing the costume that I made for her oldest sister back when she was three years old and wanted to be “orange” for Halloween, so I figured a pumpkin would do. My middle daughter also wore the same costume when she was almost 3, and it was clearly the youngest’s turn. Besides, she really wanted to be a pumpkin, so all was right in the world.

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And then, on Friday, October 30, we received a package in the mail from my mom. It contained a frilly, twirly, wonderful, pink pettiskirt. She put it on immediately and announced that she would now be going as a princess for Halloween.

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I mean, wouldn’t you?

So, we figured out some sort of outfit. It was more like a Western Princess when we were finished, what with the boots and vest. And then there was the Minnie Mouse Princess hat, so perhaps she was Minnie the Princess visits the Wild, Wild West.

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Whatever she was, she was totally adorable.

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She did keep telling me, “I be a punkin tomowow,” but it never happened. She tried to sleep in the pettiskirt, which tells you how successful it would have been to get it off of her the next night for Trick-or-Treating.

I just wish I would have thought to take a picture of her in the pumpkin outfit. She wore it enough the week of Halloween. In fact, I think I’ll still try to get her back in the costume and try.

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I think eclectic princesses are adorable.


This is SOOOOOOOO Sophie!


That skirt is adorable!

Annette Lyon

Whatever you call it, she was definitely cute. I have one daughter who, for about four years straight, had one costume idea in mind until the last minute and EVERY time changed it to a princess last minute. We're past that now, but instead, she likes to come up with the most time-consuming costumes. They're way cool, but dang, they take time and effort. I think I liked the last-minute princess thing.

(Yay for grandmas who send frilly petticoats!)


She's a princess with wide and varied interests! My kinda gal. What a sweetie!

Jenny P.

THAT is the greatest skirt ever. Enough said.


Where does one find such a fancy skirt? I might need one. 🙂

L.T. Elliot

Grandmas are the greatest! Of course she'd wear the skirt. =]


How sweet! She is adorable, and that skirt just makes her happy, you can see in her face.

Loralee and the gang...

Cute cute cute. I love that she, well she WAS going to wear the same costume as her sisters. But I love that you must have a big bin of costumes by now just like I do. And the kids love to plow through them whenever they can get away with it, and I usually let them. Plus, they become so creative with what we have, I don't have to buy much of anything for Halloween anymore. Good memories


What a great grandma she has! That vest is adorable too. I love this age, when they are so excited to wear their costumes every single day.


I would definitely want to wear that … too bad I can't quite get away with that anymore … besides the obscene amounts of fabric that would be needed to make one for me!!!

The Atomic Mom

Love the boots.


What a darling skirt! Pumpkin or Princess…she makes either look beyond adorable!


Whatever you call her costume, she is a doll!


What an awesome skirt from a way cool grandma! I would have wanted to be a princess too. She is adorable! I love the expressions on her face. So sweet!


She's cute! Love the skirt!


Awesome! I love, love, love the pettiskirt! McKayslin wants one oh so bad, but I think she would try to wear it to school Soph looks adorable!


She's darling. I love her solemn expression in the last photo. 🙂


Pink loveliness. Our 2 yr old refused to wear his zebra costume, fuzzy hat, tail, mittens & all. Still, he joined us trunk & trick-or-treating as…himself. And we still had a great time.

Amber Lynae

I'm behind on reading blogs can you tell. Anyhow I wanted to say she is a cutie.