School Planners for Kids That Inspire Organization

School planners for kids that will help them get organized

School planners for kids

Standard issue school planners aren’t always the best route for kids. If your school planner isn’t helping your kid get organized, try one of these fun school planners for kids.

It’s no secret that I am a planner girl—I definitely think everyone should be using a planner.

My kids, on the other hand, did not start out as planner girls…but they are getting there.

When my eldest was in middle school and having trouble staying organized with her school work, I asked her why she wasn’t using the standard issue school planner that she received on the first day of classes.

“Because you have to open it!” she replied.

And while I laughed at her answer, I also knew she was totally serious.

Using a planner seemed way too hard for her because she had to open it, write down her assignments, close it up, bring it home, and then open it up again. For a kid who isn’t naturally organized, it really is hard.

So I decided that she would not use the standard issue school planner anymore, and instead found a planner that she did not have to open.

There were still bumps along the way—she’d forget to write in it for several days or she’d leave it at school—but eventually she learned to use a planner.

Now, as a senior in high school she has upgraded to a planner that she actually has to open and she manages to stay on top of her work. All because we threw out the standard issue planner and found something that worked for her.

If your child struggles with organization at school, here are some planners that might work when the standard issue planner isn’t.

School planners for kids.

School Planners for Kids That Inspire Organization

Daily Planner Tear-off Notepad

This is the planner that my daughter used that she didn’t have to open.

Not only did she not need to open this planner, but it’s super cute! Pretty perfect for a teenage girl.

You can also find one in a weekly version—so rather than tearing off a page every day, you’d do it each week instead. Even easier!

This is a gender neutral version which boys would probably feel ok about using.

You might also like this super cute tear off daily planner.

Creative Coloring Doodle Daily Planner

She now uses a doodle planner similar to this one.

She is very artistic and loves the idea of coloring on her planner pages. Something about the coloring pages makes her want to use her planner and I always see it open next to her while she is studying. Yes, open!

The Happy Planner Create 365

Creative and artistic girls will love this Happy Planner.

It’s so cute, and has all sorts of accessories to deck it out and make it exactly what you want it to be. Like the doodling, the creativity involved in this planner really will inspire your daughter to use it often.

Elementary Student Planner

I didn’t find a lot of planners for the elementary student set, but of the ones I did find, this was my favorite.

I especially liked the way the school subjects are already outlined and color coded. This will really help the younger kids start to learn how to organize their homework by subject.

Moleskine Weekly Planner

Because I only have daughters, I don’t often think about what boys would like.

Still, I searched quite a while and it seems most planners are cute and girly and not made with boys in mind. I think that boys would probably like the moleskine weekly planners though. They come in several colors and they are classic and unassuming—which seems perfect for a boy who would like to get organized.

Related: The Best Pens to Use for Paper Planners

Using a planner is an essential skill for kids to learn. Whether they change over to a digital format later, starting in a paper planner is helpful for them to visually organize their homework and other important tasks.

Teach your kids to use planners and help them be prepared for real life.

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