September 2015 Visiting Teaching Printable

The Visiting Teaching message for September is “Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ: Powerful and Full of Glory.” When I first read the title I thought that the lesson would be something entirely different than it actually was.

I figured we would be talking only about the power and glory of Christ himself. While the lesson touched on that, it focused more on how we can harness Christ’s power and glory in our own lives, and I really needed to read that.

One of the ways we can have Christ’s power in our lives is through temple attendance. In the past six years temple attendance has become closer and closer to my heart since we live seven hours away from a temple. Obviously, I don’t get to go very often!

Now, whenever we are somewhere near an LDS temple for vacation, that becomes an important part of our itinerary. This year, my husband and I attended a session at the St. Paul temple together. He visited his family in Utah and went to a session there, but when I visited my family in Utah last week with my youngest daughter I didn’t make it to the temple. I had good reason! I think I got food poisoning at a restaurant the day before I had planned to attend a session, and I spent the night throwing up. I couldn’t get up to go, but I still felt so guilty. Now I probably won’t make it to the temple twice this year (which is what we usually aim for), and will have to settle for only once.

I need the power from on high that attending the temple gives me. We all do. If you live near a temple, don’t let anything stand in your way of getting there often. Just like the people of Nephi, we will be “armed with the power of God in great glory” as we make an effort to attend the temple and to stay close to Him in every way we can.

September 2015 Visiting Teaching Message: The Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ--Powerful and Full of Glory. Free printable download. #overstuffedlife

To download, click here:

September 2015 Visiting Teaching Printable

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