The Smartest Woman I Know

I sure miss my grandmother. The older I get, the more I realize what a wonderful gem she was and I really wish I could have had more time with her.

This cute little book, The Smartest Woman I Know by Ilene Beckerman is kind of like having my own grandmother back for a few minutes. Kind of. Beckerman writes about being raised by her Jewish grandmother in New York City, complete with fun illustrations, and I think she did a wonderful job of painting a picture for me as I read.

A picture of her grandmother, and her grandmotherly advice, of course. A picture of her Jewish neighborhood. Of her experiences as a child. Of NYC during that time period.

A fun, quick read that will make you smile.

If you would like to win a copy, leave me a comment containing your favorite advice from your own grandmother.


I received this book from the publisher via TLC Booktours in exchange for this review.

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I had one grandmother so full of advice that it went in one ear and out the other! The other grandmother, however, didn't offer advice as much as set an example. So much better!
She always made the effort to include everyone, love unconditionally and make sure we were always comfortable and happy. She was awesome.


Oh, I'm drawing a blank on actual advice from my dearly loved grandmother. But I'm not drawing a blank on "advice" that came in the form of her loving, caring and attentive nature. She was a much loved and sweet woman that could cook like nobodies business having worked in some Jewish homes in Detroit early in her day. I think this would be a great read!


My grandmother was such an example to me. I miss her dearly. She lived with us in a tiny little home. The funny thing is whenever she tried to give me advice, my mother would tell her to leave me alone. I guess because she was always getting after me for one thing or another.One time i remember making a cake and her getting after me for something, like hanging the dish towel on the back of the chair. But i loved her and just remember she had a very strong German staunch personality. You could never sneak in or out of the house or sneak anything out with out her knowing. LOL! Now that i am older i understand why!!


My grandmother was AMAZING! Like yours she was gone too soon. She always gave the perfect thoughtful gifts and I felt very special to be her grandaughter!


I'm so glad this book brought back wonderful memories of your grandmother – what a treat!

Thanks for being on the tour.