Summer Has Begun

Everyone knows I’ve been waiting forever for summer. And it’s finally here!

Yesterday was the last day of school. And, of course, the weather didn’t much act like summer since it was rainy and cold, but who cares? No more getting up at 6:00 in the morning to make lunches and sign papers and herd cats!

I still had to herd them a little bit this morning, but at least we took them to school (with a traditional quick stop at McDonald’s, much to the teenager’s chagrin) and they didn’t have to catch the freaking early bus.

Let’s just get the hardest one out of the way, shall we?

Today was my oldest daughter’s last day of middle school. And now I have a child in high school. I’m still not sure how to process this information, but isn’t she beautiful?

Last Day of School Bria

Sigh. High School.

And my middle daughter is now an official middle schooler. She’s still in her “I hate having photos taken of me” phase—I’m afraid it will last a while, so this is the best I got this morning. She’s still super cute, as always, even if she doesn’t want her picture taken.

Last Day of Schoool Chloe

And here’s my brand new third grader. I’m pretty sure she has managed to wear SOMETHING with cheetah/leopard print on it for 95% of her school days this year. And if you count her backpack and lunchbox, 100%.

Last Day of School Sophia

I did manage to get a (somewhat) better picture of the elementary girls after school.

Last Day of School

And then we picked the teenager up and I played the fun mom (very rare, I promise) and took them out to lunch. They are spoiled—out to breakfast and lunch all on the same day!

Last Day of School Lunch

Here’s a closer look at the teacher gifts that they took today, if you’re interested.

For the last few years I’ve gone the easy route and have purchased Scentsy Candle Warmers for our teacher gifts, so that is what my youngest brought. (In her other hand she has the invitations for her summer book club!)(I may or may not have stayed up until 2:00 am finishing them.)

Teacher Appreciation Gift Scentsy Candle Warmer

My middle daughter had a male teacher this year, and she didn’t think he would be very into the candle warmer, so we made him a candy bar bouquet instead. She also wanted to give him pens because “everyone always steals his pens” and so she stuck a bunch of them in there with the candy bars.

Want to make a Thanks a Million candy bouquet for your teacher? Get the printable and instructions here.

She made the entire thing herself, with minimal help from me. She did a great job.

And I’m just thrilled that it’s SUMMER!

I’ll be sleeping in for the next three months.

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Such cute girls and teacher gifts! Very clever!

Jen T

As the mother of 2 high schoolers let me warn you, you blink and they are done. It is crazy how much faster time flies when they are in high school. Just be prepared! Good luck! I actually think high school is better than middle school.