Gift Guide for Tween Girls

Last week I posted Christmas gift ideas for a teenage girl, courtesy of my 14-year-old daughter. Today I am going to post a gift guide for tween girls, courtesy of my 11-year-old. Again, it might be better titled “My daughter’s Christmas List,” but hopefully there’s something here that your own tween daughter might enjoy. And, frankly, because this particular girl isn’t super girly, I think most of the items on her list might be enjoyed by tween boys, too!

My 11-year-old is fun. Everything is fun when you’re with her. She’s very athletic and enjoys sports very much. She is also an excellent artist and loves to make all kinds of art. She also enjoys reading. This is what has informed her gift guide for this post.

(Note: The majority of links in this post are Amazon affiliate links. Since I live in a rural area that is hours away from most mainstream shopping, I rely heavily on Amazon Prime to deliver my Christmas!)

Christmas Gift Ideas for Tween Girl

A Snowboard

My daughter has been very interested in learning to snowboard, so this is at the top of the list. We certainly have enough snow where we live, and I am eager to get her more interested in winter sports. This is the one she currently wants: Graffiti entry-level snowboard.


If she can’t have a snowboard, the next best thing is a fingerboard. (Tween boys will probably love these, too!)

They are little mini skateboards that you can decorate with stickers and such and they use your fingers to ride. They look like a lot of fun! Get them here: Tech Deck 4-pack Fingerboards.


My daughter has quite a few specific titles on her list this year, all pointing to her fun-loving nature.

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey. Seriously. Her dad got her into these, and she thinks they are hilarious (they are). I told her how my roommates and I used to have a copy of this book on our bookshelf and that we often read them out loud to each other. Once she knew there was a book, she had to have it.

The Far Side Gallery by Gary Larson. Again, my husband is the one to blame for her obsession with these comics. He has his favorites (mostly the ones having to do with music) on his office door at work, and our daughter loves to look at them whenever she is visiting campus.

The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook. She thumbed through this one a couple times at the bookstore and really likes it. Not only is it funny, it is very educational, too.

The Kindling by Braden Bell. If your tween isn’t into any of these types of books, she might love my daughter’s favorite fantasy series.

The Kindling is the first in a trilogy (Book 2 is Penumbras and Book 3 is Luminescence). She’s read them several times, and maybe I should actually get her new copies for Christmas since they’re getting worn out! But what I think she would really like is a fourth book from the author, which unfortunately won’t happen. She absolutely loves this series and feels the characters are her friends.


Tween girls definitely love music! 

Four by One Direction is at the top of her list this year.

Louder by R5 is her favorite album of all time.

Both links can be purchased as either CDs or mp3 files from Amazon. 

Video Games

My daughter is obsessed with soccer. It’s her absolute favorite sport to play and she really misses it in the winter. So the FIFA 15 Wii Game is something she really wants. I love Wii games because they keep my kids active and are often a good form of exercise. I don’t know a lot about this Soccer game except that my daughter really really really really REALLY wants it.

A favorite at our house is Just Dance 2015. All three of my girls love this game and play it often. It combines their favorite music with awesome dance moves and a lot of fun.

6. DVDs

Studio C: Seasons 1 & 2. She is really into the sketch comedy show Studio C. So, naturally, she’d like to have a DVD she can sit and laugh at them all day long without having to click around on YouTube. (She and her sisters love Studio C so much that we decided to go as one of their sketches for Halloween this year! We had so much fun, though I think my 11-year-old had the most fun of all! To see it, click here: The Grammar Avengers.

Napoleon Dynamite. A (kind-of) oldie but a goodie. We already own this one and Chloe loves watching it.

Art Supplies

This 36-Piece Artist Pencil Set is perfect for tweens who love art. It includes watercolor pencils, colored pencils, charcoal pencils, and graphite pencils. And it’s a pretty good deal, too.

8. Girly Stuff

As much as she loves sports, she is still a girl and would love nail polish, lip balm, earrings, pretty smelling sprays, and any of that other fun girl stuff.

What’s on your tween’s Christmas List this year?

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