A Fun Family Tradition for Christmas Adam

Try this fun family tradition on Christmas Adam this year! 

Try this fun Christmas Adam tradition with your family!

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Christmas Adam is the day before Christmas Eve.

Unless it falls on a weekend, my girls are usually in school on December 23. Because of this, the evening of Christmas Adam has always seemed kind of like the first day we are able to start our Christmas celebrations, so when the girls were really young we started to cuddle up together and watch a Christmas movie on Christmas Adam.

The movie we always watch is George C. Scott’s A Christmas Carol. When the girls were really young, they were pretty scared of the ghosts but now that they are older and used to the movie, they love it.

My husband and I chose this movie because we love the message it gives—generosity and love are always a better way of life than being like Scrooge.

But that’s not ALL of our Christmas Adam tradition.

One year, my husband came home on December 23 with a bunch of silly Christmas socks that a colleague had given him at work. She gave him one pair for each of us. The girls were super excited about the socks and put them right on and were still wearing them when we cuddled up to watch A Christmas Carol.

I didn’t think a thing of it until the next year, when my middle daughter said, “I can’t wait until we get our new silly Christmas socks and watch A Christmas Carol on Christmas Adam this year! It’s my favorite tradition!

Silly Socks and a movie—a fun Christmas tradition to do with your family.

You better believe I went out and bought some silly socks and brought them out on Christmas Adam before we watched our movie. Traditions are not something to mess around with—even if you didn’t even know it was a tradition!

The photo above is our very first silly sock movie night back in 2011. I just snapped a quick picture with my phone to text it to the friend who gave the socks to us. If I had known it was going to be a new tradition, I might have bothered to take a better photo!

The photo collage below shows some of the Christmas Adams since. I usually remember to take a decent photo of our feet anyway!

Silly Socks and a movie—a fun Christmas tradition to do with your family.

Our Christmas Adam Silly Sock tradition might be one of my favorite traditions simply because of the way it came about. It’s unique, it’s fun, and it brings us together as a family. We all really look forward to it.

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Start your own Christmas Adam silly sock tradition

What you’ll need:

A Christmas DVD

You can try renting or streaming, but we ended up buying a copy of The Christmas Carol because it wasn’t available on Netflix and someone else had taken the only copy at the local video rental—it’s just easier to know you have it ready to go! You definitely don’t want to be disappointed where traditions are concerned.

Here is a list of some great Christmas movies you could watch:

Silly Socks for every member of the family

There’s quite a large selection of Christmas socks on Amazon, and nearly every department store sells them at Christmas time.

Related: Best Places to Buy Family Christmas Pajamas

Hot chocolate for everyone

We usually have hot chocolate with whipped cream in our favorite Christmas mugs while we watch the movie.

Lots of pillows and blankets for cuddling together

The best part is just being together—it just takes a tradition to get us there sometimes.

Try one of these adorable and comfy Christmas blankets to cuddle up!

I hope you’ll enjoy this fun (and silly) Christmas tradition as much as we do!

Related: Simple Christmas Traditions to Start with Your Family

We all have Christmas Eve traditions, but what about Christmas Adam (December 23)? This silly socks and a movie is a fun family Christmas tradition to start.
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