Anniversary Trip to NYC

This summer, my husband and I will be celebrating not one, but THREE momentous occasions. In June, we will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. That’s the most important. But we both have summer birthdays, too, and this year we are both turning “The Big 4-0.” (I don’t really know what’s up with that, by the way, because I definitely do not feel 40.)

Anyway, a little over a year ago we decided we wanted to do something really cool together to celebrate. We’ve never actually been on a “just-us” trip that was more than a 3-day weekend since our honeymoon and we had a lot of fun planning this one. And, as it turned out, this last academic year has perhaps been the most difficult we’ve ever dealt with, for so many reasons. By the time this last semester was over we were completely depleted and needed a break in the same way we need oxygen. So we flew our nearly-dead selves out of Michigan and had a heck of a rejuvenation in NYC.

The selfie model didn’t evolve completely until about Day 3, but since this trip was totally about us, we thought it would be funny. So, for your reading enjoyment, 30 (yes, THIRTY) selfies of our fabulous vacation (or, as a friend of mine put it, our We’ll Sleep When We’re Dead Vacation). Real photos may or may not be forthcoming. You all know how I am with vacations (still not caught up posting the Epic Vacation of 2012), so we’ll just be honest and say that they probably won’t, but I might surprise you.

Joel and Lara do New York
A Study in 30 Selfies

These selfies are not in any particular order (that would just be too difficult), nor do I promise that they are flattering pictures of us. In fact, some of them are most decidedly UN-flattering, but the nice ones make up for it. Besides, we had so much fun, we didn’t even care if our pictures were good or not. And, also, we may or may not have been heard saying, “First, lemme take a selfie” all over the great city of New York.

NYC Selfie Green BayNYC Selfie American Girl

NYC Selfie Avery Fisher HallNYC Selfie Beatles ExhibitNYC Selfie Central Park Ice CreamNYC Selfie Dave Letterman ShowNYC Selfie CinderellaNYC Selfie ChurchNYC Selfie Central Park ZooNYC Selfie Jessye NormanNYC Selfie Met Museum ArmoryNYC Selfie Lombardi'sNYC Selfie Lincoln CenterNYC Selfie Metropolitan Museum of ArtNYC Selfie Metropolitan OperaNYC Selfie MoMANYC Selfie New York Public LibraryNYC Selfie NewsiesNYC Selfie Rockefeller CenterNYC Selfie Romanian RestaurantNYC Selfie SubwayNYC Selfie TempleNYC Selfie The High LineNYC Selfie Tiffany'sNYC Selfie WTCNYC Selfie Washington Square ParkNYC Selfie Treats TruckNYC Selfie TKTSNYC Selfie Lincoln Center FountainNYC Selfie La Guardia

I will admit, I am having a difficult time with re-entry. I was so not mentally prepared to go to work. I cried when my parents left. And I want to go back to NYC and spend my life hanging out at Lincoln Center.

Which makes the memories of this vacation with my favorite person all the more treasured.

Now to start planning where to go next…

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Louida M

I'm loving you guys selfie pics! Turning 40? I thought you were like 35, you look great! Congrats on your wedding anniversary!

The Atomic Mom

So, I love you both, and Joel is just as goofy as ever! I'm so glad you had fun. One day I hope we can take this kind of trip. 🙂


I love all the selfies! This post was a fun way to see an overview of what you did in a unique way =)

Paula Parker

Love the selfies. Congrats on the 15 years.. Looks like you guys had a blast!


So fun! I have yet to master the art of the selfie. I thought for sure you had to be under 25 to be able to do it decently. You have given me hope. (Not that you look a DAY over 25.) 😉

Laura J. Latham

The selfies are fantastic! What a cool way to document your trip. I think I like the Tiffany's one the best because it's a very New York thing to do – window shop – and it seems like it's straight from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's.


Which is totally one of my favorite movies. I want to be Audrey Hepburn when I grow up. 🙂


You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


You will. When Jeffy is almost 8 like Sophia is now. And it will be amazing.


Thank you! I think it might be time to tell people I'm perpetually 29, right? 😉


I'm glad you liked them. I felt a little silly posting them, but we really did have so much fun doing it!


We did have a blast! Thanks!

Nichole Norris

I beat summer skin irritation by wearing makeup with SPF in it, wearing sunscreen, and hats to protect my face.

D Schmidt

We beat irritation by using lots of sunscreen, wearing cotton clothes, avoiding the sun during particular hours and using lotion in the evenings.

D Schmidt



Mary Jenkins

My skin gets irritated very easily so I increase sun exposure gradually over the number of weeks. My skin is so sensitive, that sunblock burns like fire on my face. I have to wear a hat!

I hate the idea of slathering my skin with a bunch of chemicals. I recently found a recipe for making my own sunscreen! With my Alaskan-winter pale skin, I need it!


[email protected]

I stay out f the sun and try to protect my skin with hats and sunglasses!


I wear sunglasses, sunscreen and long sleeve shirts as barriers to sun. After outdoor activities, apply coconut oil or aloe vera to soothe skin.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com




lots of sunscreen


I wear sunscreen, then rinse off well after a trip to the beach or the pool, then I put on lotion.



I use lots of sunscreen and bug spray.


Use sunscreen and lotion.


I beat irritation by using lots of sunscreen and lotion while I'm out in the sun.
s2s2 at Comcast dot net

s2s2 at Comcast dot net


I use a lot of moisturizer in the


My best tip is to never leave home to the beach without the baby powder. First it takes off the beach sand in a flash especially the sticky wet kind. Then it leaves you smelling fresh.


We always take unscented baby powder to get the sand off. It prevents skin irritation. Use lots of sunscreen, and coconut oil afterwards.