Mother/Daughter Trip to NYC: Broadway

This post is dedicated to my mom for allowing it to even exist. Thanks mom, for a wonderful 33rd birthday spent with you in the Big Apple! (Picture taken in the Chicago airport during our unexpectedly long layover.)

We slept through a doozy of a storm which shut down the subway system entirely, jam packed the buses and taxis and even caused a tornado in Brooklyn! So, we stayed close to our hotel on Wednesday and went to the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art), after a ginormous breakfast at a health food cafe that Pavarotti has frequented. Then we walked down to the theater district for a matinee of Wicked. After the show, we ate at TGIFridays and then just walked around looking at the city for a bit. We ended up back at the hotel early and ordered a pay per view movie and went to bed.

And here are some illustrative pictures:

View from the Museum of Modern Art, the stair step style building is Trump Tower.

Radio City Music Hall, just a couple streets down from our hotel.

Walking the streets of Manhattan, on the way to the theatre district.

Mom outside of the Gershwin Theatre where Wicked is showing. Such an amazing musical, if you didn’t already know!

Rockefeller Center, very close to our hotel. I’d love to see it at Christmastime!

Walking down Broadway

And that’s all for now. I will get the rest of it up soon.

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Wow! Now that looks like fun stuff!


So glad you have some time to get back on here. I hope things are calming down.

Your trip pictures look great!


Ah shucks Lar!!! We sure had a wonderful time, so up our alley, don’t you think? Love your photos!!


that’s a great photo of your mom Ms. Lara.
I am so jealous of your trip, I’m shaking my fist at you through this computer screen.
You are a lucky woman.


Of course your mom looks beautiful! And beautiful pics too, glad you guys had a good time!


It really is a gorgeous picture of your mother. Birthday presents don’t get much better than that, do they?!

Let me know what you think of Twilight! I am also always on the lookout for good books to read, any suggestions send them my way!