Month: November 2009

Tender Mercies

Tender Mercies

I love how ever since Elder Bednar gave that talk in General Conference, it’s just part of the vernacular. I’m trying to do too many things at once.  I tend to do this in my life.  And then I become overwhelmed and go to bed.  Anyway, today I’m trying to finish painting my bathroom.  I…

Finnish Pannukakku Recipe

Finnish Pannukakku Recipe

Lately, my husband and I have been doing our weekly date on Thursday mornings.  Somewhat unconventional I realize, but it saves us the babysitter trouble, our three-year-old is in preschool and neither of us has to teach at that time.  It has actually been wonderful and we can’t wait for Thursday to come around each…

Book Review: Saving Sammy

Book Review: Saving Sammy

I’m excited to have another opportunity to review a book for TLC Book Tours.  This time the book I am reviewing is Saving Sammy: Curing the Boy Who Caught OCD by Beth Maloney. Honestly, I kind of ignored the book for a while after TLC sent it to me, simply because I thought it would…



My oldest daughter (age 9) has wanted to be Ginormica for Halloween for months. Monsters vs. Aliens has been her favorite movie ever since we saw it in the theaters this past spring.  What with the big move and all, I just had a hard time with the whole Halloween costume prep (which is why…

Recast as an Evil Witch

Recast as an Evil Witch

When we first began planning for Halloween, my middle daughter (age 6) really wanted to be a cowgirl. Sometime a few weeks ago, all of that changed, and she became adamant about going as a witch. Cool with me. We had a witch costume that would fit her and we’d be all set. Then she…