Month: August 2014

Dark Hope: A Book Review

Dark Hope: A Book Review

Dark Hope by Monica McGurk is the first book in a new trilogy entitled The Archangel Prophecies. It is a young adult novel with a fantastic twist. Instead of the typical vampires, this book has angels. I really enjoyed it. I felt that Hope is a strong female character–one that I wouldn’t mind my own…

Front Door Makeover

Front Door Makeover

The problem with living in a very old house is that the list of improvement projects is never ending. Well, this front door project has been on my list forEVER! We’ve now lived in our house for five years. It was built circa 1908, so it’s already seen many a tough winter, and we did…

Printable Cleaning Checklists

Printable Cleaning Checklists

I don’t know what happens at your house, but at mine, keeping it clean and organized is a daily struggle. One of my biggest frustrations as a mother has been teaching my children to clean properly. Properly, meaning they don’t just shuffle a few things around and call it good. Properly, meaning they don’t do…



As a blogging-type person, the very idea of disconnecting from the internet for a while can be a little scary. I always have a list a mile long of things I should be doing: tweaking blog design, answering emails (for my real life and real job as well as for my blog life), replying to…