Christmas Wish List Printable: Want, Need, Wear, Read

This printable Christmas wish list helps kids narrow down their lists into four categories: Things I want, things I need, something to wear, and something to read

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Every year I tell myself that “this year I will not go overboard on Christmas gifts!” Last year, because we had spent so much money on our Epic Vacation, I was really serious. But, apparently not serious enough, because come Christmas morning the tree was overflowing with gifts.

I just love Christmas and buying Christmas gifts for my children so dang much that I can’t help myself! But even little things add up, and before I know it, I’m completely over budget.

I always start out each year thinking that the kids will get four gifts: Something they want (from Santa), something they need, something they’ll wear, and something they’ll read. I really love the want, need, wear, read idea.

But then I want to buy them five things they want, and I notice that they really need underwear AND socks, and look how cute that skirt/dress/shirt is, and you can never have too many books, right? Sigh.

We have made such amazing headway on our debt this year that I don’t want to sabotage that. I love seeing that big red number go down, down, down and I’d really like it to keep going down in December.  Which means, (say it with me) “This year I will not go overboard on Christmas gifts!”

I’ve seen this great printable floating around Pinterest to help support the four gifts only idea. However, when I went to print it out, I realized that it doesn’t quite fit for our family.

First, we downplay Santa over here quite a bit. I have much more I could say about that in another post, but suffice it to say I’m uncomfortable with Dear Santa letters.

Second, there’s only one line for each item! Where’s the fun in that? I like to have lots of options to pick from so that my girls are surprised on Christmas morning.

So, I made one (you can download it at the end of this post).

This printable Christmas wish list helps kids narrow down their lists into four categories: Things I want, things I need, something to wear, and something to read

Printable Christmas Wish List

Christmas list

Bria's Christmas List

It’s fun for me to see how my girls distinguish wants from needs. Like “things to wear” are on wants, needs, and wears for  this anonymous person living in my house. She is definitely a teenager!

Apparently she also needs “BROTHERS!!! (preferably 3)”  but I’m pretty sure that’s not even possible, because we all know that if I were to actually have another child it would definitely be a girl.

I am in love with her book list, too. I am in love with her, actually.

Chloe Christmas List

I also like how “A person who wants a lot of things” wants peace signs. Do you think she’d mind if I just drew a bunch on a piece of paper and wrapped them up? I’ll have to get her to clarify that.

I’m also pretty in love with her book list: “Books by whoever wrote BFG” and “Brayden [sic] Bell!! The book that starts with an A.

Except, I don’t think he has a book that starts with A, and his next one (the one that starts with L) won’t be out for a while yet. (But you should definitely read his books The Kindling (Middle School Magic) and Penumbras (Middle School Magic) while we’re waiting for it.)

Sophia's Christmas List

I like how my youngest wants paper but needs a “really big sketch pad.” She also needs “little cups of paint.” And she will only wear “really cute” clothes. Because a really cute girl like her has to have clothes that match her high level of adorability!

As a mother, I adored this little Christmas list writing exercise. Now to make sure I don’t buy all the things—not even for their stockings!

(Does anybody know where I can get a really good deal on three brothers for teenager?)

To download the Want, Need, Wear, Read Christmas List Printable:

Enter your email into the form at the bottom of the page and the printable will be sent directly to your email inbox.

Enjoy it! It has really helped our kids to think through their Christmas list instead of just writing down everything they might want. And it has helped us as parents to buy them the best gifts instead of ALL the gifts.

Want to keep your Christmas shopping organized? Download our Christmas Gift Shopping List Printable!

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We have three that some days we'd gladly ship north for a bit!! Haha (Again, I'm Sharyn T's friend who is musical and with UP connections so I like checking in on your blog (-:)


I have three boys…one VERY musically inclined…who probably would like three sisters….especially if they could only switch for short times every so often. Good luck!


Super cute idea!