Christmas Gift Shopping List: Free Printable

Use this free printable Christmas shopping list to keep track of your Christmas gifts and gift ideas this holiday season.

Make sure to check out our Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide—Find hundreds of gift ideas for EVERYONE on your list!

Holiday shopping can be overwhelming. Trying to keep track of how much you spend, what each person wants and needs, and keeping it all fair is hard! When you’re trying to start Christmas shopping early, it’s easy to get confused about which family members you’ve already bought for.

An easy way to keep it all organized is to keep your Christmas to-do list and all that entails in one place. I use a plain white binder as a holiday planner and keep various lists inside (you just have to make sure it stays out of the reach of anyone who might want to peek!).This free christmas shopping list is probably the most important and most used item in that binder.

How to use your printable Christmas gift shopping lists:

To use the shopping list, print out one list per person. You can use regular copy paper and then punch holes in each list. 

​There is a space at the top of the list to write the person’s name. I keep them in my binder by age: oldest to youngest.

Once your family has told you what they want for Christmas (you can use this printable Christmas wish list template), write down the gifts you are willing to buy for each person in the top portion of the shopping list. It’s nice to have them write their Christmas lists before Thanksgiving if possible, but you can always listen for things they say they want in passing or while you’re at the store! Keeping your ears open is the best way to find the perfect gift for someone!

Make sure your Christmas shopping lists are in front of you while you are doing any online shopping. If you go to a physical store, you can take them with you or include certain items on your regular shopping list. Having them easily accessible will help you know what to look for when there are big sales such as Amazon Prime Day or Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Once you have purchased something for someone, write it down along with the price. I like having the price right there so I can keep track of how much money I spend. I budget a certain amount per person, and I tend to go overboard. Having prices right there in front of me doesn’t take much time, but it helps me to stay under budget!

The third column is simply to mark whether or not you have wrapped the gift already or not. This is something I easily lose track of during this busy time of year! It’s helpful to have it marked so I don’t forget to wrap a gift. Believe it or not, that’s happened plenty of times and I didn’t realize until Christmas morning when a gift wasn’t under the tree! So yes, keep track of what’s wrapped!

To download your free printable Christmas lists:

Enter your email address into the form at the end of this post. You will receive an email containing a link to download the printable Christmas list PDF. Simply click the download button and it will automagically download to your computer.

Your PDF file will include both color and black & white versions of the holiday gift list. For personal use only.

Other holiday printables you might like:

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