Book Review

Naked in Eden by Robin Easton

Naked in Eden by Robin Easton

When TLC Book Tours first contacted me about this particular book, I wasn’t really sure what I would think of it.  It definitely sounded intriguing—a woman living in the Australian rain forest for over a year with her husband? I wanted to know just what on earth would possess someone to do something so crazy…

What We Have by Amy Boesky

What We Have by Amy Boesky

Cancer. It’s an ugly word, and an even uglier reality. Nobody likes to think about it, but for some people, like Amy Boesky, it is never far from their thoughts. Amy, her two sisters, her mother, her aunt, her grandmother—all of the female members of her family lived in fear of cancer, and with good…

Write the Right Words

Write the Right Words

On closing night, I found myself staring at a stack of thank you cards waiting to be written to all of the wonderful people I got to work with while doing La Traviata last month. The director, the maestro, the resident opera artists, the stage managers, the costumers and so on and so forth. I…

Give Me, Get Me, Buy Me!

Give Me, Get Me, Buy Me!

A few weeks ago, while I was in the process of making valentines for the kids, my 3-year-old daughter threw an epic tantrum. As I was getting everything set up, she asked if she could have some paper to draw pictures while I worked. I agreed, and she went and got it herself. She sat next…

Winter’s Awakening

Winter’s Awakening

I was sent this book to review by TLC Book Tours this last month.  Usually I review self-improvement and parenting type books, so this was a little different for me–not that I don’t enjoy fiction, because I definitely do! Winters Awakening by Shelley Shepard Gray is the first book in the author’s new series about…

The Body Scoop for Girls

The Body Scoop for Girls

TLC Book Tours recently sent me The Body Scoop For Girls: A Straight-Talk Guide to a Healthy, Beautiful You by Dr. Jennifer Ashton.  Dr. Ashton is an OB-GYN specializing in adolescent care and she is totally cool. And by cool, I definitely mean I want to be just like her when I grow up. She has taken…

Book Review: Saving Sammy

Book Review: Saving Sammy

I’m excited to have another opportunity to review a book for TLC Book Tours.  This time the book I am reviewing is Saving Sammy: Curing the Boy Who Caught OCD by Beth Maloney. Honestly, I kind of ignored the book for a while after TLC sent it to me, simply because I thought it would…